Hello there, so good to have your curious mind wander in here
Yes indeed we have a lot in common, leave a comment let's hear your story! |
What excites me about the idea of a blog is because it gives me the opportunity to write my own stories straight from my heart, as in, my own experiences and future prospects.
Enjoy reading!
Following my passion and Dreams
I've never truly believed in myself, I often felt my blog would be a total mess. About a month ago I started this travel blog and ended up pouring my heart content to it. I felt like I was under a spell, I just type the most frustrating experiences.
I am still trying to get over my past considering the amount of energy I put into suppressing the pain I have carried deep inside my heart for so many years. My blog isn't exactly your conventional Travelblog, not sure of how long I've been blogging considering the number of blogs I have registered and abandoned, even forgotten some, but I am certainly not an expert so bear with me.
Not a Travel Blog?
It is to me because I am beginning my own journey starting from a tour through my mind for the first time ever!!
I have done my own extensive traveling too, thus; my most profound regrets was not taking enough pictures, as pictures speak a thousand words. This blog will give me the opportunity to share my journey and experiences with you no matter where I go.
Eventually, I will post a travel itinerary I experienced first hand, as I said before this is my intro.
Don't get it?
I don't have to be a pro to blog, plus I do not need to own a personal domain to blog either, I could use any good platform, either way, I am safe, right?.
I am truly grateful for whatever gave me the strength to pour out my heart. First of all, I understand that not everyone will see things my way, it’s ok as long as I am doing the right thing and following my passion it’s ok.
I started this blog with one thing in mind and that is to travel the world, although I have done an extensive traveling myself, I did the stupidest thing ever, I didn't keep any record of my trips nor take many pictures only a few pictures. But now, I am ready to do it again, this time with my camera and gear intact, but seriously I am not going anywhere without a good reliable and durable camera. I have a passion for traveling and exploring places so taking photos is my utmost priority.
I wish I did the right things when I had the chance.
Did I mention that I am getting luckier by just being a blogger only newbies would understand the excitement !!
OK enough of me, let's talk about you. If you are a newbie seeking to explore or start-up something entirely different from just being a blogger I would encourage you to try and forget the fears, I was so afraid it kept me a prisoner in my own mind. So, go for your dreams, always remember not everyone will love what you do, but you will probably find a great number of people who do.
Stay focused, I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something while sitting down. My parents used to say
"No happiness for the fearful and lazy man"
Which means fear is not the only problem, you need to get rid of procrastination you also need to work extra hard in other to succeed. I was once told that the harder I work, the luckier I get. I am a true believer now!
I have lot’s of experiences to share with you some areas horrible others are as exciting and good if you are constantly seeking for true-life stories and other funny articles, in eluding reviews and tips why not subscribe so you will e amongst the first to read the post. Some very good samaritans (kind people) gave me wonderful advice and I would not hesitate to put them to good use. I will also post links of great local and international safe tourism tipsiest vacation deals all linked within my posts.
One more thing, my blog posts may contain affiliate links and menu buttons directly linked to the third parties service provider, If you click one of them, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you for which I am deeply grateful.
I look forward ringing you more refreshing articles, in the meantime, why not take a look around the site or better still check out my other blog, you never know what might interest you.
Inspiring and Interesting Articles, a must read!
Vintage & Classic Tales
Inspiring and Interesting Articles, a must read!
Vintage & Classic Tales
Stop Stigma
Life Adventure and Inspiring Story
Hillarious Secret Tale of Travelers
A True Life Experience of (Child Abuse)
How To Stop the Fears and Start A Blog
How To Tell If You Are Psychologically Abused
How To Defeat A Narcissist
Playa Del Carmen Travel Advisory
Sign up and be first to know about my blog posts, unless you time travel or you are a time traveler, sit tight, you will love it!!!
See yah!
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